Returns & Exchanges
To request a return, please follow these steps:
1. Log in to your account or email address on our website by clicking on the little person icon in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage or any page on the front end of the website, located next to the magnifying glass icon.
2. Once logged in, view your order history and find the order that contains the item you wish to return.
3. If your order is within the return window, you will see a button that says "Request Return." Click on this button.
4. You will be prompted to specify the reason for your return, such as the item being too big or too little.
5. After submitting your return request, please be aware that there will be a delay period between when you request the return and when you receive approval and the return label. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but we do not automatically issue a return label upon request.
Please note that approval is required before a return label is issued. If you have any questions or need assistance with the return process, please contact our customer service for support.
It is our goal to make your online shopping hassle free, and a pleasant experience. Should a return or exchange become necessary, please follow the guidelines below:
Every product on our site is “satisfaction guaranteed” and may be returned for a full refund within 30 days of the delivery date as long as all tags are returned with your item. A USPS returns label will be supplied upon request email.
For full refunds and returns there may be a charge for all shipping charges and restocking fees.
All items discounted at 40% will be the customers responsibility to return the item at their cost. 41% to 70% discounts items are not returnable or ex-changeable.
All international returns have to be returned by the receiver by their carrier of choice. No return labels can be supplied. If returned, only price of jacket is refunded, not shipping charges to and from.
To exchange an item you purchased please send us an email by going to contact us located on the front page or and enter your request. No shipping charges or restocking charges occur for exchanges.
If you do not receive a response from us in 48 hours, please check your spam or junk folder. If you still have a problem or no response, please call us at 646-546-5226 any time.
Thank you.